Důležité upozornění pro příjemce podpory z programu Evropa pro občany

Úřad vlády

Vážení příjemci podpory z programu Evropa pro občany. V souvislosti s aktuální situací vzniklou v důsledku šíření coronaviru vydala Výkonná agentura pro vzdělávání, kulturu a audiovizuální oblast (EACEA) prohlášení, které si můžete přečíst níže.

Rádi bychom vás požádali o jeho prostudování a zohlednění v souvislosti s plánovanými akcemi. V každém případě doporučujeme případné rušení akcí či přesuny jejich termínů konzultovat s poskytovatelem prostředků.

Za národní kontaktní místo programu Evropa pro občany

Pavel Hradecký

Zároveň bychom rádi upozornili na skutečnost, že některé internetové nástroje agentury EACEA (eForms, Online Expert Evaluation Tool, eReports) budou od pondělí 16. března 9:00 do úterý 17. března 12:00 nedostupné.

The EACEA position on the impact of the Corona Virus on the projects / beneficiaries is the following:

In the context of the measure taken by national competent authorities to contain the spread of the coronavirus infection, the EACEA has been consulted on the potential effect of such measures on EU funded projects whose implementation could be hindered, or partially / temporarily affected, by mobility restrictions.

In that regards, EACEA reminds that participating organisations should contact the individual participants who already are in, or are planning to leave to or from the affected areas within the coming weeks; they should follow the formal and official prescription issued and/or adopted by the local competent authorities.

Within this context, the ordinary implementation of the planned actions shall be normally carried out, as far as possible, and it is for the participating organisations and individuals to decide on the appropriate and proportionate course of action to take in the light of the measures formally adopted by the competent authorities. Participants should also be reminded of the assistance that can be provided by embassies, consulates and honorary consulates in the country of their stay.

EACEA also reminds that all the Agreements contain a “force majeure” clause which may apply to mobility restrictions, as a direct consequence of the measures taken by the competent national authorities in charge. However, please note that the existence of an event of “force majeure” suitable to concretely hinder the ordinary implementation of the planned actions will be analysed on a “case-by-case” basis, and in due time, i.e. when the eligibility of the costs will be assessed.

You can find additional information on the situation on the Commission website:


And on the website of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control:



Autor: Euroskop

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