MOSCOW, RUSSIA - AUGUST 23: Russian sociologist and philosopher Aleksandr Dugin makes a speech as he attends a funeral ceremony on August 23, 2022 in Moscow, Russia for his daughter Darya Dugina, who was killed in a car explosion on the outskirts of Moscow late Saturday. Dugina, 29, was the daughter of Russian sociologist and philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, who heads the International Eurasian Movement, a political movement which opposes American values like liberalism and capitalism. Evgenii Bugubaev / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM
Dcera blízkého spojence ruského prezidenta Vladimira Putina v sobotu zemřela při explozi auta. Darja Duginová zemřela na cestě z literárního festivalu nedaleko Moskvy. Její otec, Alexandr Dugin, je hlavním ideologem tzv. eurasianismu.…