This year, Romanian firefighters have been pre-positioned in the south of France, in Perpignan, within a wider wildfire preparedness initiative coordinated via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (
During the wildfire season, the EU pre-positions firefighters in different European countries to support the response to fires and strengthen preparedness and cooperation.
In total this summer, 556 firefighters, coming from 12 different European countries, are strategically pre-positioned in France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain.
The pre-positioned teams are working closely with local teams and are ready to step into action whenever needed, for example in case of a major fire emergency, or several fires or wildfires happening in parallel (but not only).
When not actively responding to an emergency, the pre-positioned teams learn, train, exercise, and exchange knowledge with their local counterparts.
Lesní požáry se v posledních letech stávají celoevropským problémem, který je jedním z důsledků změny klimatu. Mechanismus civilní ochrany EU, který koordinuje evropskou pomoc v případě neočekávaných přírodních katastrof, již brzy získá…